Off-site SEO means that you attract people to your site with links from other webpages, and bring people to your site by:
- They click on those links
- Your website getting a higher ranking from Google (an approval rating in their eyes, of sorts) because you obviously are “more important” because more websites (ideally, quality ones) are mentioning you
We have multiple strategies for doing this, and doing it well. We cannot go into all those methods for a few reasons.
- We don’t want to expose these links for our past and current clients
- We don’t want to post our industry secrets
- It’s very long and boring anyway!
What we can say though is that this process takes a long time, and that you need to be willing to wait 6-9 months, typically. We will do our best to surge you up the rankings, and give you monthly reports of how you are climbing up, based on the terms you are hoping to rank for.
Continuing on the Gardening metaphor
[Bear in mind our previous blog post about on-site SEO and the hard work of setting up a productive garden.]
Now that you have an established garden, you want to maintain it with a little work now and then. Once you have set up your off-site strategy, got your backlinks, and increased your visibility to customers (by appearing top on Google’s results) you really want to stay there. Thankfully, it’s easier to stay there than to climb up there in the first place. Keeping the pests (the competition) out is quite easy and that is why you must continue with off-site SEO once you have done all the work.
We maintain a “relationship” (for lack of a better term) with numerous other websites and people in the industry to make sure your backlinks are strong, and are driving traffic to your site. Ensuring the right sites and people are linking to you is key, and what the foundation of brilliant off-site SEO is all about.