This new client has giant potential, but they opted for one of my metaphorical “look under the hood” audits. First, know what you are dealing with, and then decide if you will get your car fixed, or zooped up – that’s the idea. So I wait with very normal breath to hear if they will convert this into a retainer SEO+Ads type situation, but there is no rush. Fortune favours the brave, but also fortune favours the person who does their due diligence and doesn’t take on too much, all at once.

I enjoy this kind of world, and ten years ago I had no interest in finance, beyond scraping some money together to go on a holiday, or weekend away. Now that I am older I feel like I’ve seen the power first hand of well-managed, or even well-framed finance. All that to say, when I find a subject or industry or service offering very interesting, I feel like it brings out my best work.