Lift & Load is our newest client and perhaps this is out sixth British client? I have lost track but certainly between #5 and #10. #10 client, not #10 Downing Street.
Lift & Load does really niche moving around London, and into the rest of the UK and Europe. Think of those guys who move your household contents from your current home to the next house you live in and add in SWAT team vibes. That is them. Awkward access, pulleys, cranes, danger, big men with beards and gloves… that type of thing. We’re super excited to help them grow their brand and dominate their niche.
We will be doing so by following the typical methods, and this time will be redoing their website, too. Not all clients need a website rebuild but these guys do – it all depends if you can rank that site or not, and their current one (as of 1st May 2019) was just not good enough. In fact, the first step for us was to migrate them to our personally managed server at Digital Ocean – thankfully set up and housed in London itself!
Added to the new website we are going to be working on backlinks, content, the all-important map pack listing, geotagging images, improving the GMB listing, and a whole lot more. Stay tuned for updates by flying to London and searching the various terms we want to rank for. Like “Awkward and heavy lifting of my piano to Chelsea“. Or maybe not 🙂