Clients Articles

Take a seat at the table

Another e-commerce client arrives in the form of Chair Crazy, take a look at their shop's sitemap here. I am hoping to help with their Google Ads, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and Google everything (aka SEO) which will be swell. I enjoy being in the Google...

GenX | Another Education Client

A new project this month is to help the burgeoning education business of GenX, or the Genex Institute. They are the official Cambridge partner in Africa, allowing schools to offer Cambridge education and assessment (and I am sure much else) through their combination...

Delta Steam Traps | You learn something new every day

New client just in: Delta Steam Systems, who make steam traps and do some other things that are beyond my level of intelligence. I have a gut feel that this is going to be a wonderful project, and one that delivers value to the client for years to come. Typical...


Want to shop like a fox, and not like a jackal? Then choose local and go to Shopfox and support them. There is no pressure to buy everything local - who can literally do that and survive - but every little bit helps. And speaking of, my little bit will be helping them...
Hummingbird Property

Hummingbird Property

Hummingbird Property, a new client with a tech and machine learning background, is set to shake things up in Cape...

I write down each and every one of my clients for a few reasons. One, I can keep a record of who I have worked for, when the work began, and later on: how it all unfolded, with hopefully a good story of some successes. Two, so potential new clients can see if I’ve ever done any work, and for whom, so they can see if the work I do is something that appeals to them. Three, it’s a fun way to promote each client – as I link to them, and introduce any blog readers to their business; who knows, perhaps when reading about one of the services they will want to use them or at least, learn a bit more about the industry.

DS Property Services

DS Property Services

DS Prop, as I like to call them, build homes, renovate them, and generally make living spaces nicer for all their...

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Zant Gardening Services

Zant Gardening Services

Zant Gardening Services has a very specific, targeted business model and really homes in on reaching a small section...

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