hi, I’m mike.

I do Google Ads & SEO, and without intending to, became a webmaster along the way

what an SEO does each day

Many clients, past and present, have asked: ‘What goes into SEO? What is involved, and why the large cost?’. Google Ads is pretty straigtforward to most clients, but SEO is a term that means a lot of different things, depending who you ask.

In an effort to answer these questions and paint a picture on what a typical “day in the life of an SEO specialist” looks like, I give you the below. Tonnes of resources, links, names, brands, concepts, jargon, and more. The internet is a veritable “wild west” and us SEO cowboys try to keep the peace.

I have broken it down into a few categories here, and then below you can see the list of each item

web development

Building a website, migrating one, backing it up, ensuring it is SSL enabled, uses a CDN and more. These types of things help your website to be mobile-friendly, easy to parse, and performant in an age where Google insists that they are.

SEO services

Google admits that there are over 200 ranking factors in their algorithm; and it’s an algorithm that changes over 2,000 times a year! I try and focus on the most important factors whilst not ignoring the lesser ones. Content is key, and always has been, but you cannot ignore the rest.


It’s not possible to do much on a computer without the right tools, and we need many of them! I love being 100% transparent, so read on below to see what I have in my digital “toolbox”. It can takes months to just master one tool, so imagine the years behind them all.


Although I focus mainlyon Google Search Ads – which perfectly complements SEO – it is vital I have some proficiency in the below. LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Remarketing, Display Ads, Newsletter Mailers, Google Shopping Ads. And all backed up by solid understanding of tried-and-tested, Classic Marketing.


Much like the tools in the toolbox, there are various platforms – like Google Ads, Google Search Console, Google Tag Manager, Looker Studio, and Google Analytics – that I use to get the work done. Maybe it is just my choice of wording but I see these more as the “battlefield”, and the tools as the “weapons”.

Marketing strategy

SEO sits within a bigger function, and that is marketing. To do SEO correctly a “digital architect” would need to know what is happening with sales, marketing, advertising and their respective goals. Often I find small businesses have zero strategy to build on, and I aim to address and/or fix this.

The Year I ventured into SEO & PPC

all time clients i have helped

Active Clients i'm working on

Percent of my day I spend learning, and upskilling

now for more detail. breathe in.

and get ready for lists upon lists….


web development

  • Domain purchasing from a registrar like Afrihost, or Namecheap
  • Domain hosting from a host like Digital Ocean
  • Website migrations
  • Website build on Webflow, Squarespace, WordPress, or the lesser known Sanity
  • Setting up xml sitemaps, and submitting them to the index
  • E-commerce dominance via high level strategy and tips from years of experience
  • Site backups on a Digital Ocean Droplet, WPEngine, or other
  • Setting up a CDN with Cloudflare or Fastly
  • Caching tricks using Redis, or one of many plugins
  • Website maintenance so things are up to speed
  • Minifying CSS, HTML, and Javascript
  • Crushing image sizes, optimising them, without losing quality
  • Adding metadata to images, so they are parsed correctly.
  • Creating free Maps on Google Maps that add driving directions, and more, to help your local search presence.
  • Working in Google Tag Manager to sort out conversions, and web traffic
  • Playing around with Fathom, and other new Analytics tools
  • Making useful and dynamic reports in Looker Studio 
  • And plenty more

SEO outline

  • Backlink GAP Analysis – What links do your competitors have that you don’t?
  • Backlink profile – Who is linking to you and using what anchors?
  • Bing Indexing – Google is one search engine, and the biggest, but ensure you are indexed by Bing, too.
  • Business Citations – Get your company listed in numerous business directories.
  • Content Strategy – Don’t just write mindlessly, write knowing what people are searching for. Answer their questions and be rewarded.
  • Conversion Tracking – What works and what does not? Set this up to know the difference.
  • Keyword GAP Analysis – What do your competitors rank for that you don’t?
  • Keyword Strategy – Based on the above, and other work, I can work out what you should try and rank for.
  • Keyword Tracking – Importantly, we then need to see if we can move the rankings up for the chosen terms.
  • Press Release – In some cases it helps to use this to syndicate awesome content.
  • Partnering with similar brands for win-win marketing results
  • Map Pack Ranking – Generally speaking, a local business will want to rank in Google’s Map results, in what is called “Position Zero”.
  • Reporting – Every month I compile a report of key data we are tracking and try to keep it simple. In addition, I create a dynamic dashboard within Looker Studio.
  • Rich Snippets – Ever seen a search result with more than just a  link to a website? Perhaps an answer to a question (like “when is the best time to visit London”) can have you appear at the top!
  • Structured Data/Schema – In light of that, you want your whole website coded up in JSON-LD format (where applicable) so that you can appear in these.
  • Well over 150 other things, which I will gladly share with you in a giant spreadsheet once the work begins.


  • Google My Business
  • Google Sheets
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Google Everything!
  • Hotjar
  • Iubenda
  • Kajabi
  • Lighthouse (for Chrome)
  • Looker Studio
  • Loom (Video)
  • Mailblaze
  • Mailchimp
  • Moz
  • Pingdom Tools
  • Sanity
  • Samcart
  • Screaming Frog
  • SEMRush
  • Server Pilot
  • Sitebulb
  • Siteliner
  • Storyxpress
  • Structured Data Tool
  • Terminal (Mac OS)
  • Trello
  • WordPress
  • WooCommerce
  • And so many more things, which I will add in time


  • Copy Editing
  • Copywriting
  • Facebook Strategy
  • Google Ads (PPC)
  • Google Display Network (GDN)
  • Google Merchant Centre 
  • Google Remarketing, using Google Analytics 
  • Instagram Strategy
  • LinkedIn Strategy
  • Newsletter Creation & Strategy
  • Twitter – Now “X”
  • UTM Tagging
  • Website Design
  • Writing Articles
  • YouTube Management
  • YouTube Transcriptions
  • YouTube Translations

Ensure that your website has “all the boxes ticked” so that Google prefers your website to the competition. I can help.

some of the articles, posts, and

resources from my blog

A perfect page of content in terms of SEO

A perfect page of content in terms of SEO

This is how to rank for keywords, presented in a new way: that of an analogy. For a straightforward, listlike approach, read my other post about the main checkboxes to tick off to create a "Google will be happy" type...

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Magic and SEO | 2023 big prediction

Magic and SEO | 2023 big prediction

There was this magician who revolutionized the industry by challenging simplistic tricks and fostering creativity - basically he revealed the most basic tricks done by magicians, so that collectively they would raise...

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Basic Social Media Strategy

Basic Social Media Strategy

A lot of clients ask about Social Media. The usual things I hear are either in the vein of: Do we really need Social Media? As in, it feels likes a shotgun approach and how do we measure what is working? Or We really...

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Content Genius

Content Genius

Do you know why I love TaxTim? Because if I didn’t know what amount to pay myself each month in terms of UIF, PAYE, and all of that, they have a free calculator that does it for me! Well, that is the good reason (JP...

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